Heavens Fire
"The Outside"

Frontiers Records FR CD 059 Streetdate: 18. September 2000

Heavens Fire - The Outside Tracklisting: Beyond; Future's Waiting; Can You Believe; The Outside; Skitzo; Tommy; Mirror; Long Way; Now's The Time; Tears.

Press from Frontiers Records 29-July-00: Line up: ANDY NARSINGH: Lead Vocals/Bass/Keys; JIM THEOHARIS: All Guitars/Vocals; MIKE MACKINNON: Drums/Vocals.
Back in the 90's as Grunge/Alternative rock was sweeping the nation, there were 3 men that refused to follow the trend. These men were known as "ARSIN" later changing their name to "HEAVENS FIRE" a melodic hard rock band that had another idea as to where the evolution of rock should go in the next Millennium.
"I think they had the right idea" says Jim, the band's guitarist "but they over did it." Jim spoke of the backlash of musicians that were fed up with the picture perfect glam rock bands of the 80's. "There was a point where if you didn't look like a Ken doll with Barbie's hair then the record companies wouldn't look at you. There was also a lot of pressure on the guitarists to cram as many notes into a guitar solo as they possibly could which left them playing without any feel or passion." "Singers were also no exception" says Andy the band's lead vocalist and bassist. "If you couldn't sing high enough to break glass then you were also overlooked by the major labels".
What resulted was a generation of bands that would sing mostly in the baritone range or lower and have a very dirty or "Grungy" appearance. Guitar solos were either kept to a minimum or eliminated completely and the slick production that was common in the 80's also got stripped down to a very raw and demo like standard.
The production and songwriting of HEAVEN'S FIRE is actually a balance of 80's and 90's rock while yielding a few surprises of their own. The band maintains the idea that rock should be more about an escape from todays problems not a medium to glorify them and with songs like "Mirror", "Future' s waiting" and "Now's the Time" it's kind of hard not to agree with the guys.

© Steen Peitersen 2000